Using the ideas put forth in our founder Martin Babinec’s book More Good Jobs, the More Good Jobs platform was launched in 2021 to provide a virtual community and support structure for  builders and supporters of innovation economies and entrepreneurial ecosystems everywhere.

 According to More Good Jobs community manager James Shomar, the progress made thus far in developing the community is beginning to be seen through the wide-ranging connections made between members. More Good Jobs fans from  Oregon to the United Kingdom have been able to support each other in everything from sharing best business practices to connecting each other with resources. With the support of the UpMobility Foundation, the More Good Jobs platform  will continue to build on this entrepreneurial community in 2022 with additional events to serve their members. Entrepreneurship and community development remain some of UpMobility's highest priorities in terms of funding and we are excited to see what's next for the More Good Jobs community.