UpMobility Foundation is happy to announce our  support of Defy Ventures,  a  nonprofit organization founded in 2010 that works to lower prison recidivism rates through a variety of programs conducted for incarcerated people as well as those who have been released. In 2020, 80% of those who went through Defy's post-release program were able to find employment. Less than 10% of those who go through Defy's programs return to prison --in contrast, the national recidivism rate is more than 30%. 

Our founder Martin Babinec is a longtime supporter of Defy Ventures, as the organization aligns with his belief in the power of second chances and the importance of striving to improve one's circumstances. One of the key ways Defy Ventures helps incarcerated people as well as those who have recently been released from prison is equipping them with the knowledge to start their own businesses. This effort fits perfectly with UpMobility Foundation's support of entrepreneurship as well as our focus on promoting economic self-sufficiency.